Patents Granted for Convolutional neural network for text segmentation in epigraphical images from Indian Patent Office on the year 2023(202341062058)
Patents Granted for Intelligent IoT-based smart Irrigation system using cloud computing from Indian Patent Office on the year 2021(202141053355)
Hybrid H-DOC: A bait for analyzing cyber attacker behavior ,2023, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems
Hand Gesture Controlled Wheelchair ,2023, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems ,2023, R2NET: Storage and Analysis of Attack Behavior Patterns
Review of cyber attack detection: Honeypot system ,2022, Webology
A comprehensive analysis of healthcare big data: Architecture and Applications ,2022, International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology (IJMTST)
Digital Humanitarian Network System Based on Block Chain Technology ,2020, Convergence (Printed Journal) by ICT Academy
Detection and Tracking of Cyclones using Real-time Sensor data from Multiple Satellites ,2019, American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Enhanced Security and Automation System Based on IoT ,2019, American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Two Factor Authentication And Access Control For Cloud Computing Services ,2017, International Journal of Software and Web Sciences (IJSWS)
Software tool for translating pseudocode to a programming language ,2016, International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI)
Pseudocode to source programming language translator ,2016, International Journal of Computational Science and Information Technology (IJCSITY)
Prediction and Tracking of Natural Disasters Through Real-time Detection of Tropical Depression ,2016, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications (IJCTA)
Dr. Amal M R
Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Date of Joining : 14-08-2023